Dr. Greer Shares Her Thoughts About Joining The Team

on October 10, 2023

by Deborah Greer, MD Oct. 12, 2024

I am honored to join AI Healthcare Capital as a general partner. Throughout my career, I’ve passionately championed the health of my patients, always recognizing the broader implications of the healthcare system as a whole, and the profound impact collective efforts can have on entire communities.

My decision to join AI Healthcare Capital is deeply rooted in this commitment as it resonates profoundly with my vision and core principles and reflects steadfast dedication to elevating administrative and operational outcomes for both patients and providers while driving transformative growth in the healthcare sector.

As U.S. healthcare is a 4 trillion-dollar business with its portion of the GDP approaching 20%, waste and inefficiencies are inevitable, driving up costs. More often than not, systems work in silos and end up working against each other unintentionally.

Health plans want to do what is best for patients and contain costs, but this may be at the expense of hospitals and providers when weighing medical necessity. Hospitals and healthcare providers want to do what is best for patients by giving quality care, but grappling with well-intentioned quality measures can increase expense and burnout. Patients want to receive quality care, but limited access can fragment care when treated by several physicians who are not in systems that have interoperability. Operations may still rely on old technology. Regulations can interfere with innovation, delay patient care, and delay payment.

Money is being poured into the system to solve some of its most pressing issues, but without thoughtful strategies on integration to streamline the process and remove the silos, these attempts risk becoming a wasteful endeavor with minimal impact on achieving the quadruple aim: enhancing patient experience, improving the health of populations, reducing the cost of healthcare, and improving the working life of healthcare providers.

AI Healthcare Capital’s dedication to pioneering healthcare through smart technological integration offers an invaluable chance to be part of a visionary team, determined to redefine the healthcare narrative and be part of the solution by bridging gaps and inefficiencies while making healthcare more accessible, efficient, and compassionate for all. 

AI Healthcare Capital TeamDr. Greer Shares Her Thoughts About Joining The Team