“I am one of those that think like Nobel, that humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries.” – Maria Curie

on May 17, 2022

by Ewelina Wołoszyn

Shaping the future and solving challenging problems requires a lot of discipline, laser-focused attention, persistence, patience, leadership skills, being resourceful in any situation and more. For each individual, the sky or big dreams are defined differently. Some of us want to spend life dedicated to new discoveries, and others want to disrupt the market.

On the path to success, we will meet many people, and some of them might join our team, become our clients or investors, some will be cheering for us and some won’t.  Those that aren’t cheering us on, probably don’t get the vision, or maybe they don’t believe that anyone can achieve success if they work hard enough. Just think of the way people treated Steve Jobs, Sara Blakely, Elon Musk, and probably almost all successful people, yet look what they achieved, regardless of what people thought!

Don’t get me wrong, not all people that criticize your idea are haters or simply being negative. Some of them are there to help you navigate or even improve what you are doing or intend to do. There is a fine line between hearing feedback and improving what you are doing and listening to your intuition and following the strategy that is best for you.

To help build a better future, especially for women in business, I stepped up and joined a community that is doing a lot of great things…The community is helping those who are brave enough to pursue their dreams even while choosing their entrepreneurship path, the global organization is ASTIA (astia.org). Astia is a community of experts committed to leveling the playing field for women entrepreneurs by providing access to capital and networks for the companies they lead. I am passionate about giving back and also helping people to achieve their goal of success and ASTIA provides me the opportunity to share my advice to the women as they create their path to fulfilling their dreams.

AI Healthcare Capital Team“I am one of those that think like Nobel, that humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries.” – Maria Curie